Neues zu den bosnischen Steinkugeln

Version vom 8. April 2016, 00:03 Uhr von Bb (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: [ Dr. Semir Osmanagić] '''berichtet über aktuelle Entwicklungen''' thumb|400px|'''Abb. 1''' ([[Da...)
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Dr. Semir Osmanagić berichtet über aktuelle Entwicklungen

Abb. 1

(red) Das Rätsel der zum Teil enorm großen prähistorischen, von Menschen unbekannter Herkunft geschaffenen Steinkugeln treibt die alternative Ur- und Frühgeschichtsforschung bereits seit Jahrzehnten um. Zunächst seit den 1930er Jahren an verschiedenen Orten im mittelamerikanischen Costa Rica entdeckt [1], wo sie von der Mainstream-Archäologie als rezentes Phänomen aus nachchristlicher Zeit abgetan wurden, fanden sie sich später auch in anderen, weit entfernten Weltteilen (u.a. auch in Südosteuropa und speziell in Bosnien [2]), und es wurden Hypothesen entwickelt, es handele sich bei ihnen um Relikte einer verschollnen Hochkultur des späten Paläolithikums. [3]

Der Pyramidenforscher Dr. Semir Osmanagić, weltweit bekannt geworden durch seine kontrovers diskutierten Entdeckungen und Grabungen in Bosnien-Herzgowina, bemerkte unlängst dazu: "Ich habe das Phänomen der prähistorischen Steinkugeln 15 Jahre lang erforscht. Etliche male habe ich [künstlich] geformte Steinkugeln aus Granit im südlichen Costa Rica, vulkanische Steinkugeln im westlichen Mexiko, die “Cocina”-Steinkugeln auf der kleinen Pazifikinsel Isla del Caño, die vulkanischen Steinkugreln auf der Osterinsel, some of them in Tunisia, und Teneriffa auf den Kanarischen Inseln besucht. Es gibt sie auch auf [ Antarktika], Neuseeland, Russland, Ägypten, den USA und Argentinien… Ich schrieb über Steinkugeln, die in der Balkan-Region gefunden wurden: dem nördlichen Albanien, der Provinz Dalmatia in Kroatien, westlichen Serbien.

When I established non-profit “Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” Foundation, our team has started investigation of this phenomenon in Bosnia. We have discovered them in twenty different locations, either shaped or, in some instances, made from different materials. We found granite stone balls in the Teocak village in northeastern Bosnia, volcanic stone ball near town of Konjic in middle Bosnia and sandstone stone spheres in many locations in western and middle Bosnia.

Most of the stone balls were located near small town of Zavidovici. It used to be 80 of them in 1930s. In the meantime, some were taken by the river further down to the river Bosna, most of them have been destroyed in 1970s after rumors of gold being hidden in the middle of them, some were taken by locals and moved to their backyards. Only eight stone balls remained in what we established as Archaeological Park: Bosnian Stone Balls”. We’ve started promoting this location and it’s been visited by thousands of tourists every year.

With the winter months over, again near the town of Zavidovici, excavation of the enormous stone ball has started. By the mid of March 2016, it became obvious that the most massive stone ball in Europe has been discovered. Name of the location is village Podubravlje.

So far, less than half of the ball has been uncovered. Preliminary results show the radius to be between 1.2 – 1.5 meters. Materials have not been analyzed yet. However, brown and red color of the ball point to very high content of the iron. So, the density has to be very high, close to the iron which is 7,8 kg/c.c. If we take value of only 5 kg/c.c. we have all the elements for the preliminary calculation of the mass.

Mass comes to be over 30 tons !

It makes this Bosnian stone ball the most massive in Europe. However, if further lab testing shows higher content of iron, than this will be the biggest stone ball in the World surpassing those in Costa Rica (35 tons) and Mexico (40 tons).

Over stone balls we see signs of natural sedimentation: layer of sandstone plates, then clay, soil and vegetation. It takes tens, even hundreds of thousands of years for this sediment to form.

What would be the significance of this discovery?

First, it would be another proof that Southern Europe, Balkan and Bosnia in particular, were home for advanced civilizations from distant past and we have no written records about them. Secondly, they had high technology, different than ours. Finally, they new the power of geometrical shapes, because the sphere is one of the most powerful shapes along with pyramidal and conical shapes. No wonder, that pyramids and tumulus phenomena can also be found in Bosnia.

While visiting the site group of dowsers were recorded that aura field improve and grow when exposed to the vicinity of stone ball. It seems that ancient did one more thing better than us. They new Planetary energies better, living in the harmony with our Mother Earth.

So, we’re creating one more site in Bosnia which would be of global importance for researchers and visitors.

Video of the discovery:

Anmerkungen und Quellen


  1. Siehe dazu einführend bei "Die Steinkugeln von Costa Rica" von Bernhard Beier; sowie: "Was wissen wir über die Steinkugeln von Costa Rica?" von William R. Corliss
  2. Siehe dazu einführend: "Das Rätsel der bosnischen Steinkugeln" (
  3. Siehe dazu: Ivar Zapp und George Erikson, "Atlantis in America - Navigators of the Ancient World", Adventures Unlimited Press, 1998; sowie online bei "Ivar Zapp", Abschnitt: "Ivar Zapp, Die Steinkugeln von Costa Rica und Atlantis" (bb)