William M. Donato: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: (red) Der Anthropologe und Unterwasser-Archäologe '''William ("Bill") Michael Donato''' ===Academische Grade=== A.A. in Anthropologie - 1971 am Cypres...)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
([[Das Team|red]]) Der Anthropologe und Unterwasser-Archäologe '''William ("Bill") Michael Donato'''  
'''Dieser Beitrag ist noch in Arbeit!'''
([[Das Team|red]]) Der US-amerikanische [[Paläo-Anthropologie und Atlantisforschung|Anthropologe]] und [[Unterwasser-Archäologie und moderne Atlantisforschung|Unterwasser-Archäologe]] '''William ("Bill") Michael Donato''' begann bereits Mitte der 1970er Jahre mit der systematischen Erforschung der archäologischen Rätsel und Geheimnisse in den flachen Meeresgewässern der 'Großen Bahama Bank'. In dieser Region, die erst am Ende der jüngsten Eiszeit in den Wogen des [[Atlantis im Atlantik|Atlantik]] versank, vermutete '''"Bill" Donato''' schon damals die Relikte der untergegangenen Hochkultur von [[Atlantis]]. Seither hat er sich als Teilnehmer und/oder Berater aller wesentlichen Forschungsexpeditionen im Raum der Bahamas, durch seine zahlreichen Entdeckungen sowie durch sein Engagement für den Aufbau organisatorischer Forschungs-Strukturen einen Namen gemacht und Meriten um die wissenschaftlich orientierte Bahama-Atlantologie erworben, als deren führende Persönlichkeit er heute heute in Fachkreisen gilt.
===Academische Grade===
===Akademische Grade===
A.A. in Anthropologie - 1971 am Cypress College, Cypress, Kalifornien.
A.A. in Anthropologie - 1971 am Cypress College, Cypress, Kalifornien.
Zeile 8: Zeile 10:
B.A. in Anthropologie - 1973 an der California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, Kalifornien.
B.A. in Anthropologie - 1973 an der California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, Kalifornien.
M.A. in Anthropologie (mit Schwerpunkt Archäologie) - 1979 an der California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, Kalifornien. Graduierungs-Thema: ''A Re-Examination of the Atlantis Theory (a 304 pa comprehensive survey and analysis of the pro’s and con’s relevant to the theory incorporating data from the multiple methodologies of anthropology, archeology, biology, ethnology, and geology with references to cross-cultural comparisons, possible evidences for catastrophism, and the way in which scientific paradigms may shape our outlooks)''. Eine Kopie der Arbeit ist auf Nachfrage erhältlich.)
M.A. in Anthropologie (mit Schwerpunkt Archäologie) - 1979 an der California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, Kalifornien. Graduierungs-Thema: ''A Re-Examination of the Atlantis Theory (a 304 pa comprehensive survey and analysis of the pro’s and con’s relevant to the theory incorporating data from the multiple methodologies of anthropology, archeology, biology, ethnology, and geology with references to cross-cultural comparisons, possible evidences for catastrophism, and the way in which scientific paradigms may shape our outlooks)''. Eine Kopie der Arbeit ist auf Nachfrage erhältlich.
[[Bild:Donato_-_Vanda_Osmon.jpg|thumb|'''Abb. 1''' (Foto: © Vanda Osmon)]]
[[Bild:Donato_-_Vanda_Osmon.jpg|thumb|'''Abb. 1''' Der amerikanische Profi-Anthropologe, Unterwasser-Archäologe und Atlantisforscher ''William Michael Donato'' vor einem Tauchgang. (Foto: © ''Vanda Osmon'')]]
''Community College Instructor Credential'' - Gebiet/Fach: Anthropologie.
* ''Community College Instructor Credential'' - Gebiet/Fach: Anthropologie.
''Community College handicapped Student Programs And Services Instructor and Services Credential'' - spezialsiert auf: Entwicklungsstörungen (Developmental Disabilities).
* ''Community College handicapped Student Programs And Services Instructor and Services Credential'' - spezialsiert auf: Entwicklungsstörungen (Developmental Disabilities).
Zeile 26: Zeile 28:
* Qualifiziert tätig auf dem Gebiet psychischer Krankheiten (Entwicklungsstörungen) und als Administrator an zwei intermediären Fürsorgeeinrichtungen für entwicklungsgestörte, pflegebedürfige Erwachsene.
* Qualifiziert tätig auf dem Gebiet psychischer Krankheiten (Entwicklungsstörungen) und als Administrator an zwei intermediären Fürsorgeeinrichtungen für entwicklungsgestörte, pflegebedürfige Erwachsene.
* Community Integration Consultant at a facility for developmentally disabled adults.
* Kommunaler Integrationsberater an einer Einrichtung für Erwachsene mit Entwicklungsstörungen.
* Qualified Mental Retardation Professional/Program Consultant at four facilities.
* Qualifizierter Mental Retardation Professional / Programm-Berater an vier Einrichtungen.
* Founder and editor of The Atlantis Organization (T.A.O.), a scientifically oriented research an networking organization and newsletter focusing on archeology and alternative theories and technologies.
* Gründer und Herausgeber von '''The Atlantis Organization (T.A.O.)''', einer wissenschaftlich orientierten Forschungs- und Netzwerk-Organisation bzw. von deren Newsletter mit Schwerpunkt Archäologie und alternative Theorien und Technologien.
===Archäologischer Hintergrund===
===Archäologischer Hintergrund===
1972   Initial fieldwork at El Morro Canyon (site 4 ORA) in Laguna Beach, California, with California State Fullerton’s Archeological Field Methods Class.
1972 Initial fieldwork at El Morro Canyon (site 4 ORA) in Laguna Beach, California, with California State Fullerton’s Archeological Field Methods Class.
1974   First research trip to Bimini. Took aerial photographs of underwater feature off of East Bimini that was later incorporated into the master’s thesis.
1974 First research trip to Bimini. Took aerial photographs of underwater feature off of East Bimini that was later incorporated into the master’s thesis.
1979   Employed as Field Archeologist by California State Fullerton’s Public Antiquities Salvage Team (P.A.S.T) at the Newland House site in Huntington Beach, California.
1979 Employed as Field Archeologist by California State Fullerton’s Public Antiquities Salvage Team (P.A.S.T) at the Newland House site in Huntington Beach, California.
1989   Participated in the first Quest For Atlantis conference, a symposium held on Bimini created by Vanda Osmon, Dr. Joan Hanley, and Dr. David Zink which examined the historical development of the Atlantis theory. Gave an oral presentation and rediscovered the “Fish (or ‘Shark’) Mound” during an aerial survey (originally discovered by Jim Richardson, an associate of Dr. J. Manson Valentine). Identified the feature as a “zoomorphic effigy mound”.
1989 Participated in the first Quest For Atlantis conference, a symposium held on Bimini created by Vanda Osmon, Dr. Joan Hanley, and Dr. David Zink which examined the historical development of the Atlantis theory. Gave an oral presentation and rediscovered the “Fish (or ‘Shark’) Mound” during an aerial survey (originally discovered by Jim Richardson, an associate of Dr. J. Manson Valentine). Identified the feature as a “zoomorphic effigy mound”.
1990   Participated in second Quest For Atlantis conference as a presenter and led the team (composed of Vanda Osmon, Dr. Joan Hanley, and Dr. Doug Richards) to the first on-site investigation of the “Rectangular Mound”. Discovered a monolith on the “Bimini Road”.
1990 Participated in second Quest For Atlantis conference as a presenter and led the team (composed of Vanda Osmon, Dr. Joan Hanley, and Dr. Doug Richards) to the first on-site investigation of the “Rectangular Mound”. Discovered a monolith on the “Bimini Road”.
1990-1991       Discovery and on-site visual investigation of possible mounds on northern section of North Bimini.
1990-1991 Discovery and on-site visual investigation of possible mounds on northern section of North Bimini.
1991   Participated in third Quest For Atlantis conference orchestrated by Vanda Osmon, Dr. Joan Hanley, and Dr. Doug Richards, as a presenter and did an on-site visual exam of the “Fish Mound” with other members. Co-discoverer of the “Cobra Mound” with Raymond Leigh, Jr., from his aerial infrared color photographs.
1991 Participated in third Quest For Atlantis conference orchestrated by Vanda Osmon, Dr. Joan Hanley, and Dr. Doug Richards, as a presenter and did an on-site visual exam of the “Fish Mound” with other members. Co-discoverer of the “Cobra Mound” with Raymond Leigh, Jr., from his aerial infrared color photographs.
1991   Became one of the editors of Jean Hunt’s Louisiana Mounds Society newsletter, an investigative archeological organization composed of both professionals and amateurs.
1991 Became one of the editors of Jean Hunt’s Louisiana Mounds Society newsletter, an investigative archeological organization composed of both professionals and amateurs.
1991   Research trip to Mexico. Investigated the sites of Tenayuca, Teotihuacan, and Tula.
1991 Research trip to Mexico. Investigated the sites of Tenayuca, Teotihuacan, and Tula.
1992   On-site visual investigation of East Bimini’s “Dolphin Mound”. Did aerial survey and photographed a large feature underwater off of South Bimini resembling a “Pentagon”, another resembling a “Hexagon’, and the “Sea Horse Mound” on East Bimini.
1992 On-site visual investigation of East Bimini’s “Dolphin Mound”. Did aerial survey and photographed a large feature underwater off of South Bimini resembling a “Pentagon”, another resembling a “Hexagon’, and the “Sea Horse Mound” on East Bimini.
1992   Gave professional presentation on the new archeological discoveries in the western Bahamas before the Institute for the Study of American Cultures in Columbus, Georgia. This was followed by a similar presentation in Troy, Texas for private parties.
1992 Gave professional presentation on the new archeological discoveries in the western Bahamas before the Institute for the Study of American Cultures in Columbus, Georgia. This was followed by a similar presentation in Troy, Texas for private parties.
1993   Obtained proper requirements and began “Project; Alta”, which included the first comprehensive side-scan sonar survey since that done by Dr. Harold Edgerton and Dr. David Zink in the Bimini area (North Bimini to Cat Cay). Team members included Vanda Osmon, Thomas Vanderveer, Frank Joseph, Donnie Fields, and Dr. Claude Swanson. It included an on-site visual examination of the “Cobra Mound” and the discovery of some man-made features on the “Bimini Road”. This project entailed three separate trips and was documented by John McKinney (Jack McKinney Productions) for the Discovery Channel. Further aerial surveys done.
1993 Obtained proper requirements and began “Project; Alta”, which included the first comprehensive side-scan sonar survey since that done by Dr. Harold Edgerton and Dr. David Zink in the Bimini area (North Bimini to Cat Cay). Team members included Vanda Osmon, Thomas Vanderveer, Frank Joseph, Donnie Fields, and Dr. Claude Swanson. It included an on-site visual examination of the “Cobra Mound” and the discovery of some man-made features on the “Bimini Road”. This project entailed three separate trips and was documented by John McKinney (Jack McKinney Productions) for the Discovery Channel. Further aerial surveys done.
1994   Research trip to Peru and Bolivia investigating the sites of Cusco, Tambo Machay, Amaru Machay, Kenko, Sacsayhuaman, Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo, Sillustani, the Island of the Sun, Tiahuanaco, and other sites with a focus on architectural elements.
1994 Research trip to Peru and Bolivia investigating the sites of Cusco, Tambo Machay, Amaru Machay, Kenko, Sacsayhuaman, Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo, Sillustani, the Island of the Sun, Tiahuanaco, and other sites with a focus on architectural elements.
1995   Continuation of “Project: Alta” under permits obtained by Granite Productions and George Stover, Ill, Adventure Productions. Aerial survey and the discovery of large mortised stone on the “Bimini Road”. Also discerned unique form of mortise on stone discovered by Bill Keefe which was later determined to have tool marks by the University of Colorado.
1995 Continuation of “Project: Alta” under permits obtained by Granite Productions and George Stover, Ill, Adventure Productions. Aerial survey and the discovery of large mortised stone on the “Bimini Road”. Also discerned unique form of mortise on stone discovered by Bill Keefe which was later determined to have tool marks by the University of Colorado.
1996   Presenter for the first Ancient American conference detailing the discoveries in the western Bahamas. Hired to investigate a petroglyph site in Utah.
1996 Presenter for the first Ancient American conference detailing the discoveries in the western Bahamas. Hired to investigate a petroglyph site in Utah.
1997   Obtained proper requirements for continuation of “Project: Alta”. Extensive aerial survey of the northern section of the Great Bahama Bank and the vicinity of northern Andros
1997 Obtained proper requirements for continuation of “Project: Alta”. Extensive aerial survey of the northern section of the Great Bahama Bank and the vicinity of northern Andros with the discovery of several potential site areas and target reacquisition of features initially discovered by Dr. Valentine and Dirnitri Rebikoff (obtaining G.P.S. coordinates for all). Obtained G.P.S. coordinates for all significant points of the “Fish”, “Cat”, and “Rectangle” mounds. Continued investigations on the “Bimini Road”. Obtained magnetic coordinates of significant points on the “Fish Mound”.
with the discovery of several potential site areas and target reacquisition of features initially discovered by Dr. Valentine and Dirnitri Rebikoff (obtaining G.P.S. coordinates for all). Obtained G.P.S. coordinates for all significant points of the “Fish”, “Cat”, and “Rectangle” mounds. Continued investigations on the “Bimini Road”. Obtained magnetic coordinates of significant points on the “Fish Mound”.
1998   Obtained proper requirements for continuation of “Project: Alta”. On-site investigations at Anguilla Cay (underwater and on the surface). Proved that an alleged “pyramid” was simply a sea-mount and two miles off of where the map indicated. Four day side-scan survey to the west of Bimini going southward. Submarine investigation of 1993 targets. An aerial circumnavigation of Andros revealed several potential new sites and the relocation of another first noted by Dr. Valentine, and a feature with the shape of a large “Pentagon” with a fresh water spring was located east of South Cat Cay. Discovery of ancient man-made cut on base stone of the “Bimini Road.” Review of side-scan images showed several targets with anomalous features, some resembling architecture. This was in June.
1998 Obtained proper requirements for continuation of “Project: Alta”. On-site investigations at Anguilla Cay (underwater and on the surface). Proved that an alleged “pyramid” was simply a sea-mount and two miles off of where the map indicated. Four day side-scan survey to the west of Bimini going southward. Submarine investigation of 1993 targets. An aerial circumnavigation of Andros revealed several potential new sites and the relocation of another first noted by Dr. Valentine, and a feature with the shape of a large “Pentagon” with a fresh water spring was located east of South Cat Cay. Discovery of ancient man-made cut on base stone of the “Bimini Road.” Review of side-scan images showed several targets with anomalous features, some resembling architecture. This was in June.
1998   Accompanied Dr. Joan Hanley’s group in May. As a professional courtesy data on four of the June side-scan targets, and one of the 1993 targets, was shared so that the “tech divers” might get photographic and/or videotape verification of them. Documented three-layered feature on the “Bimini Road” discovered by Donnie Fields, and discovered another.
1998 Accompanied Dr. Joan Hanley’s group in May. As a professional courtesy data on four of the June side-scan targets, and one of the 1993 targets, was shared so that the “tech divers” might get photographic and/or videotape verification of them. Documented three-layered feature on the “Bimini Road” discovered by Donnie Fields, and discovered another.
1999   Obtained proper requirements for continuation of “Project: Alta”. Sought reacquisition of June 1998 side-scan sonar targets via side-scan sonar, underwater video-cameras, and submarine (two-man “Nekton Gamma” submarine). New targets were obtained. Discovered that the 1998 targets G.P.S. coordinates were in error longitudinally. Side-scan technician (of manufacturer’s) verified that the anomalous images were of “hard” targets. Expert contracted to reacquire targets with corrected data.
1999 Obtained proper requirements for continuation of “Project: Alta”. Sought reacquisition of June 1998 side-scan sonar targets via side-scan sonar, underwater video-cameras, and submarine (two-man “Nekton Gamma” submarine). New targets were obtained. Discovered that the 1998 targets G.P.S. coordinates were in error longitudinally. Side-scan technician (of manufacturer’s) verified that the anomalous images were of “hard” targets. Expert contracted to reacquire targets with corrected data.
2001   Nonprofit corporation “A.P.E.X. Institute” (acronym for “Advanced Planetary EXplorations”) formed to investigate archeological anomalies with a general focus on underwater sites. Several projects at different site locations in the Bahamas (each with significant anomalies) have been proposed. Future projects are proposed for the Yucatan and sites in the Pacific Ocean.
2001 Nonprofit corporation “A.P.E.X. Institute” (acronym for “Advanced Planetary EXplorations”) formed to investigate archeological anomalies with a general focus on underwater sites. Several projects at different site locations in the Bahamas (each with significant anomalies) have been proposed. Future projects are proposed for the Yucatan and sites in the Pacific Ocean.
2002   First A.P.E.X. Institute activity, a continuation of “Project: Alta”. The project was designed to verify the 1998 side-scan sonar targets and look for new sites obtained with satellite derived data, as well as investigate the Cat Island anomaly, the triple concentric arc. Though freak weather conditions prohibited doing the side-scan project (wind, rain, and bad sea conditions) the contracting agency gave us a $10,000.00 credit toward doing it later if tied to another project. The Cat Island initial survey project was completely successful with two made dives inside the outer arc and the discovery of a possible limestone artifact which was photographed underwater. Surface investigation of the outer arc revealed that coral was covering flat limestone, possibly indicating a modified or artificial feature or construction.
2002 First A.P.E.X. Institute activity, a continuation of “Project: Alta”. The project was designed to verify the 1998 side-scan sonar targets and look for new sites obtained with satellite derived data, as well as investigate the Cat Island anomaly, the triple concentric arc. Though freak weather conditions prohibited doing the side-scan project (wind, rain, and bad sea conditions) the contracting agency gave us a $10,000.00 credit toward doing it later if tied to another project. The Cat Island initial survey project was completely successful with two made dives inside the outer arc and the discovery of a possible limestone artifact which was photographed underwater. Surface investigation of the outer arc revealed that coral was covering flat limestone, possibly indicating a modified or artificial feature or construction.
Involved in private astro-archeological research project at a rock painting site in the Cleveland National Forest (California) for approximately seven years. Results indicate that it is a solstice marker. More data is still needed to ascertain whether it is also an equinox marker. An administrative pass was granted for this study. This is an ongoing project that began in 1995.
Involved in private astro-archeological research project at a rock painting site in the Cleveland National Forest (California) for approximately seven years. Results indicate that it is a solstice marker. More data is still needed to ascertain whether it is also an equinox marker. An administrative pass was granted for this study. This is an ongoing project that began in 1995.
Zeile 83: Zeile 84:
===Auftritte in den Medien===
===Auftritte in den Medien===
Secrets of the Deep: “The Hunt for Atlantis” - the Discovery Channel . The first “Project: Alta” expeditions’ side-scan sonar investigation was filmed by John and Noreen McKinney of “Jack McKinney Productions” in 1993 and broadcast in 1994. Approximately thirty anomalies were registered, including a large underwater “hexagon”.
'''Secrets of the Deep: “The Hunt for Atlantis”''' im Discovery Channel. Die erste Side-Scan Sonar-Untersuchung im Rahmen der “Project: Alta” Expeditionen’ wurde von ''John'' und ''Noreen McKinney'' von “Jack McKinney Productions” 1993 gefilmt und 1994 gesendet. Annähernd dreißig Anomalien wurden registriert, darunter ein großes Unterwasser-“Hexagon”.  
Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious Universe: “Secrets of Ancient Worlds” - the Discovery Channel, filmed in 1995 and broadcast in 1996.
'''Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious Universe, “Secrets of Ancient Worlds”''' - im Discovery Channel, gefilmt 1995 und gesendet 1996.
Secrets of Bimini: When Spirits Come Calling: a film by George A. Stover, III, of ”George Stover Adventure Productions” in 1995. I was interviewed as an archeological authority on the anomalies of Bimini. During one of the filmed dives on the “Bimini Road” I discovered an “in situ” stone with a tenon on one side.
'''Secrets of Bimini: When Spirits Come Calling''', ein Film von ''George A. Stover'', (”George Stover Adventure Productions”) 1995. "''Ich wurde als archälogische Autorität für die Anomalien von Bimini interviewt. Während eines der Tauchgänge an der "Bimini Road", die dabei gefilmt wurden, entdeckte ich einen >in situ< Stein mit einem Zapfen auf einer Seite.''"
The Laura Lee Show: syndicated national radio program interview, broadcast in 1996.
'''The Laura Lee Show'''.  syndicated national radio program interview, broadcast in 1996.
Ponkikeies - Ga-Cha-Pin: a Japanese children’s program in association with Buena Vista (a Disney affiliate) in October 2001. The long-running and successful educational children’s program was doing a promotional episode to publicize the release of the Disney Corporation’s feature length animated movie “Atlantis, the Lost Empire” and I was chosen to be the archeologist their costumed character “Ga-Cha-Pin” talked to about Atlantis on Bimini because of my background in that subject and in education. It included dives on the “Bimini Road” and several other locations and a story line that connected it to the movie.
Ponkikeies - Ga-Cha-Pin: a Japanese children’s program in association with Buena Vista (a Disney affiliate) in October 2001. The long-running and successful educational children’s program was doing a promotional episode to publicize the release of the Disney Corporation’s feature length animated movie “Atlantis, the Lost Empire” and I was chosen to be the archeologist their costumed character “Ga-Cha-Pin” talked to about Atlantis on Bimini because of my background in that subject and in education. It included dives on the “Bimini Road” and several other locations and a story line that connected it to the movie.
Zeile 96: Zeile 97:
===Veröffentlichte Artikel===
Zeile 138: Zeile 139:
===Beiträge bei Atlantisforschung.de===
===Beiträge bei Atlantisforschung.de===
[[A.P.E.X.-Expedition im Jahr 2003]]
'''Zurück nach Atlantis (I)''': [[Bimini und die Atlantis-Kontroverse: Was die Beweise sagen]]
'''Zurück nach Atlantis (II)''': [[Die nächste Forscher-Generation auf Spurensuche bei Bimini]]
[[A.P.E.X.-Expedition im Jahr 2003]]

Version vom 8. April 2010, 01:25 Uhr

Dieser Beitrag ist noch in Arbeit!

(red) Der US-amerikanische Anthropologe und Unterwasser-Archäologe William ("Bill") Michael Donato begann bereits Mitte der 1970er Jahre mit der systematischen Erforschung der archäologischen Rätsel und Geheimnisse in den flachen Meeresgewässern der 'Großen Bahama Bank'. In dieser Region, die erst am Ende der jüngsten Eiszeit in den Wogen des Atlantik versank, vermutete "Bill" Donato schon damals die Relikte der untergegangenen Hochkultur von Atlantis. Seither hat er sich als Teilnehmer und/oder Berater aller wesentlichen Forschungsexpeditionen im Raum der Bahamas, durch seine zahlreichen Entdeckungen sowie durch sein Engagement für den Aufbau organisatorischer Forschungs-Strukturen einen Namen gemacht und Meriten um die wissenschaftlich orientierte Bahama-Atlantologie erworben, als deren führende Persönlichkeit er heute heute in Fachkreisen gilt.

Akademische Grade

A.A. in Anthropologie - 1971 am Cypress College, Cypress, Kalifornien.

B.A. in Anthropologie - 1973 an der California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, Kalifornien.

M.A. in Anthropologie (mit Schwerpunkt Archäologie) - 1979 an der California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, Kalifornien. Graduierungs-Thema: A Re-Examination of the Atlantis Theory (a 304 pa comprehensive survey and analysis of the pro’s and con’s relevant to the theory incorporating data from the multiple methodologies of anthropology, archeology, biology, ethnology, and geology with references to cross-cultural comparisons, possible evidences for catastrophism, and the way in which scientific paradigms may shape our outlooks). Eine Kopie der Arbeit ist auf Nachfrage erhältlich.

Abb. 1 Der amerikanische Profi-Anthropologe, Unterwasser-Archäologe und Atlantisforscher William Michael Donato vor einem Tauchgang. (Foto: © Vanda Osmon)


  • Community College Instructor Credential - Gebiet/Fach: Anthropologie.
  • Community College handicapped Student Programs And Services Instructor and Services Credential - spezialsiert auf: Entwicklungsstörungen (Developmental Disabilities).

Berufliche Tätigkeiten

  • Archäologe und archäologischer Berater
  • Qualifiziert tätig auf dem Gebiet psychischer Krankheiten (Entwicklungsstörungen) und als Administrator an zwei intermediären Fürsorgeeinrichtungen für entwicklungsgestörte, pflegebedürfige Erwachsene.
  • Kommunaler Integrationsberater an einer Einrichtung für Erwachsene mit Entwicklungsstörungen.
  • Qualifizierter Mental Retardation Professional / Programm-Berater an vier Einrichtungen.
  • Gründer und Herausgeber von The Atlantis Organization (T.A.O.), einer wissenschaftlich orientierten Forschungs- und Netzwerk-Organisation bzw. von deren Newsletter mit Schwerpunkt Archäologie und alternative Theorien und Technologien.

Archäologischer Hintergrund

1972 Initial fieldwork at El Morro Canyon (site 4 ORA) in Laguna Beach, California, with California State Fullerton’s Archeological Field Methods Class.

1974 First research trip to Bimini. Took aerial photographs of underwater feature off of East Bimini that was later incorporated into the master’s thesis.

1979 Employed as Field Archeologist by California State Fullerton’s Public Antiquities Salvage Team (P.A.S.T) at the Newland House site in Huntington Beach, California.

1989 Participated in the first Quest For Atlantis conference, a symposium held on Bimini created by Vanda Osmon, Dr. Joan Hanley, and Dr. David Zink which examined the historical development of the Atlantis theory. Gave an oral presentation and rediscovered the “Fish (or ‘Shark’) Mound” during an aerial survey (originally discovered by Jim Richardson, an associate of Dr. J. Manson Valentine). Identified the feature as a “zoomorphic effigy mound”.

1990 Participated in second Quest For Atlantis conference as a presenter and led the team (composed of Vanda Osmon, Dr. Joan Hanley, and Dr. Doug Richards) to the first on-site investigation of the “Rectangular Mound”. Discovered a monolith on the “Bimini Road”.

1990-1991 Discovery and on-site visual investigation of possible mounds on northern section of North Bimini.

1991 Participated in third Quest For Atlantis conference orchestrated by Vanda Osmon, Dr. Joan Hanley, and Dr. Doug Richards, as a presenter and did an on-site visual exam of the “Fish Mound” with other members. Co-discoverer of the “Cobra Mound” with Raymond Leigh, Jr., from his aerial infrared color photographs.

1991 Became one of the editors of Jean Hunt’s Louisiana Mounds Society newsletter, an investigative archeological organization composed of both professionals and amateurs.

1991 Research trip to Mexico. Investigated the sites of Tenayuca, Teotihuacan, and Tula.

1992 On-site visual investigation of East Bimini’s “Dolphin Mound”. Did aerial survey and photographed a large feature underwater off of South Bimini resembling a “Pentagon”, another resembling a “Hexagon’, and the “Sea Horse Mound” on East Bimini.

1992 Gave professional presentation on the new archeological discoveries in the western Bahamas before the Institute for the Study of American Cultures in Columbus, Georgia. This was followed by a similar presentation in Troy, Texas for private parties.

1993 Obtained proper requirements and began “Project; Alta”, which included the first comprehensive side-scan sonar survey since that done by Dr. Harold Edgerton and Dr. David Zink in the Bimini area (North Bimini to Cat Cay). Team members included Vanda Osmon, Thomas Vanderveer, Frank Joseph, Donnie Fields, and Dr. Claude Swanson. It included an on-site visual examination of the “Cobra Mound” and the discovery of some man-made features on the “Bimini Road”. This project entailed three separate trips and was documented by John McKinney (Jack McKinney Productions) for the Discovery Channel. Further aerial surveys done.

1994 Research trip to Peru and Bolivia investigating the sites of Cusco, Tambo Machay, Amaru Machay, Kenko, Sacsayhuaman, Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo, Sillustani, the Island of the Sun, Tiahuanaco, and other sites with a focus on architectural elements.

1995 Continuation of “Project: Alta” under permits obtained by Granite Productions and George Stover, Ill, Adventure Productions. Aerial survey and the discovery of large mortised stone on the “Bimini Road”. Also discerned unique form of mortise on stone discovered by Bill Keefe which was later determined to have tool marks by the University of Colorado.

1996 Presenter for the first Ancient American conference detailing the discoveries in the western Bahamas. Hired to investigate a petroglyph site in Utah.

1997 Obtained proper requirements for continuation of “Project: Alta”. Extensive aerial survey of the northern section of the Great Bahama Bank and the vicinity of northern Andros with the discovery of several potential site areas and target reacquisition of features initially discovered by Dr. Valentine and Dirnitri Rebikoff (obtaining G.P.S. coordinates for all). Obtained G.P.S. coordinates for all significant points of the “Fish”, “Cat”, and “Rectangle” mounds. Continued investigations on the “Bimini Road”. Obtained magnetic coordinates of significant points on the “Fish Mound”.

1998 Obtained proper requirements for continuation of “Project: Alta”. On-site investigations at Anguilla Cay (underwater and on the surface). Proved that an alleged “pyramid” was simply a sea-mount and two miles off of where the map indicated. Four day side-scan survey to the west of Bimini going southward. Submarine investigation of 1993 targets. An aerial circumnavigation of Andros revealed several potential new sites and the relocation of another first noted by Dr. Valentine, and a feature with the shape of a large “Pentagon” with a fresh water spring was located east of South Cat Cay. Discovery of ancient man-made cut on base stone of the “Bimini Road.” Review of side-scan images showed several targets with anomalous features, some resembling architecture. This was in June.

1998 Accompanied Dr. Joan Hanley’s group in May. As a professional courtesy data on four of the June side-scan targets, and one of the 1993 targets, was shared so that the “tech divers” might get photographic and/or videotape verification of them. Documented three-layered feature on the “Bimini Road” discovered by Donnie Fields, and discovered another.

1999 Obtained proper requirements for continuation of “Project: Alta”. Sought reacquisition of June 1998 side-scan sonar targets via side-scan sonar, underwater video-cameras, and submarine (two-man “Nekton Gamma” submarine). New targets were obtained. Discovered that the 1998 targets G.P.S. coordinates were in error longitudinally. Side-scan technician (of manufacturer’s) verified that the anomalous images were of “hard” targets. Expert contracted to reacquire targets with corrected data.

2001 Nonprofit corporation “A.P.E.X. Institute” (acronym for “Advanced Planetary EXplorations”) formed to investigate archeological anomalies with a general focus on underwater sites. Several projects at different site locations in the Bahamas (each with significant anomalies) have been proposed. Future projects are proposed for the Yucatan and sites in the Pacific Ocean.

2002 First A.P.E.X. Institute activity, a continuation of “Project: Alta”. The project was designed to verify the 1998 side-scan sonar targets and look for new sites obtained with satellite derived data, as well as investigate the Cat Island anomaly, the triple concentric arc. Though freak weather conditions prohibited doing the side-scan project (wind, rain, and bad sea conditions) the contracting agency gave us a $10,000.00 credit toward doing it later if tied to another project. The Cat Island initial survey project was completely successful with two made dives inside the outer arc and the discovery of a possible limestone artifact which was photographed underwater. Surface investigation of the outer arc revealed that coral was covering flat limestone, possibly indicating a modified or artificial feature or construction.

Involved in private astro-archeological research project at a rock painting site in the Cleveland National Forest (California) for approximately seven years. Results indicate that it is a solstice marker. More data is still needed to ascertain whether it is also an equinox marker. An administrative pass was granted for this study. This is an ongoing project that began in 1995.

Auftritte in den Medien

Secrets of the Deep: “The Hunt for Atlantis” im Discovery Channel. Die erste Side-Scan Sonar-Untersuchung im Rahmen der “Project: Alta” Expeditionen’ wurde von John und Noreen McKinney von “Jack McKinney Productions” 1993 gefilmt und 1994 gesendet. Annähernd dreißig Anomalien wurden registriert, darunter ein großes Unterwasser-“Hexagon”.

Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious Universe, “Secrets of Ancient Worlds” - im Discovery Channel, gefilmt 1995 und gesendet 1996.

Secrets of Bimini: When Spirits Come Calling, ein Film von George A. Stover, (”George Stover Adventure Productions”) 1995. "Ich wurde als archälogische Autorität für die Anomalien von Bimini interviewt. Während eines der Tauchgänge an der "Bimini Road", die dabei gefilmt wurden, entdeckte ich einen >in situ< Stein mit einem Zapfen auf einer Seite."

The Laura Lee Show. syndicated national radio program interview, broadcast in 1996.

Ponkikeies - Ga-Cha-Pin: a Japanese children’s program in association with Buena Vista (a Disney affiliate) in October 2001. The long-running and successful educational children’s program was doing a promotional episode to publicize the release of the Disney Corporation’s feature length animated movie “Atlantis, the Lost Empire” and I was chosen to be the archeologist their costumed character “Ga-Cha-Pin” talked to about Atlantis on Bimini because of my background in that subject and in education. It included dives on the “Bimini Road” and several other locations and a story line that connected it to the movie.

Truth or Dare: The Bermuda Triangle: a cable network children’s program on unusual and mysterious topics. I was chosen for an interview because of my background in the Atlantis subject matter and research in the Bahamas. The interview concerned the archeological discoveries made in the Bahamas and what might be some possible explanations for the disappearance of ships, planes, and people in the “Bermuda Triangle”.

Veröffentlichte Artikel

“Bimini and the Atlantis Controversy: What the Evidence Says”. The Ancient American, Vol. 1 No. 3, Nov./Dec. 1993.

“What You Did Not See (or Hear) On Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious Universe”. The Ancient American. Vol.3, No. 14.

“New Find At The Bimini Road”. The Ancient American, Vol. 3, No. 16.

“Bimini Granite Re-classified -- And It’s Still Out Place!”. The Ancient American, Vol. 3, no. 1

“Atlantis at Bimini: Fantasy or Fact?”. Bahamas Handbook and Businessman’s Annual 1999. Etienne Dupuch Jr. Publications, Nassau, Bahamas. [This was a “point/counter point’ article with me being recommended by the author with the contrasting opinion. Though I volunteered to do the article without payment as I thought that it might help bring in investors and tourism to the Bahamas, they insisted as a matter of policy that I take payment.]

Two cover photographic credits for The Ancient American.

“Revisiting Edgar Cayce’s Caribbean Atlantis - Could New Discoveries Vindicate More Than Thirty Years of Intense Research?”. Atlantis Rising #30.

“Cayce’s Fire Stone: Did the Sleeping Prophet Accurately Describe Masers and Lasers?” - “Cayce’s Masers”. Atlantis Rising #32. “Atlantide emerge a Bimini”. Hera # 37.

Note: the first Bahamas/Atlantis related article appeared in Unicus magazine in the early 1990’s. also served as the “Bimini/Atlantis” editor for the Louisiana Mounds Society newsletter during the early 1990’s.

Lectures and Slide Presentations: -Unicus magazine sponsored presentation put on by its editor, Robert Stanley, in Santa Monica, California.

-Middle school class presentation at Special Education class in the Los Angeles County School District.

-One of the featured presenters for the Institute for the Study of American Cultures in Columbus Georgia, in 1992.

-Private slide/lecture presentation in Troy, Texas, in 1992 following the Georgia presentation.

-One of the featured presenters for the Ancient American magazine sponsored conference at Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1997.

-Presenter at the Association for Research and Enlightenment’s “Atlantis” conference in 1999 at Virginia Beach, Virginia, describing the discoveries that had been made in the Bahamas since 1989 and our own group’s (“Project: Alta”) most recent projects, especially the side-scan sonar discoveries of possible underwater structures.

-Presenter at the International U.F.O. Conference in Laughlin, Nevada, in 2002 detailing the Bahamian discoveries and giving the then current status of the underwater Cuban site.

-Speaker at The Eclectic Viewpoint sponsored presentation in Dallas, Texas, in 2002 describing the newest discoveries in the Bahamas and the potential of the Cat Island site.

Beiträge bei Atlantisforschung.de

Zurück nach Atlantis (I): Bimini und die Atlantis-Kontroverse: Was die Beweise sagen

Zurück nach Atlantis (II): Die nächste Forscher-Generation auf Spurensuche bei Bimini

A.P.E.X.-Expedition im Jahr 2003

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(1) APEX - ADVANCED PLANETARY EXPLORATIONS unter: William Michael Donato