Entdeckung vermutlicher Unterwasser-Ruinen bei den Bahamas: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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von [http://www.apexinstitute.org/Home.aspx A.P.E.X.]
von [http://www.apexinstitute.org/Home.aspx APEX Institut]
BUENA PARK, CA/EWORLDWIRE/Feb 14, 2010 --- The Advanced Planetary Explorations (APEX) Institute announced today the discovery of possible, submerged ruins in the waters near the Bimini Islands of the Bahamas.
BUENA PARK, CA/EWORLDWIRE/Feb 14, 2010 --- The Advanced Planetary Explorations (APEX) Institute announced today the discovery of possible, submerged ruins in the waters near the Bimini Islands of the Bahamas.

Version vom 8. April 2010, 07:10 Uhr

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von APEX Institut

BUENA PARK, CA/EWORLDWIRE/Feb 14, 2010 --- The Advanced Planetary Explorations (APEX) Institute announced today the discovery of possible, submerged ruins in the waters near the Bimini Islands of the Bahamas.

William Donato, archeologist and President of APEX, a California based non-profit organization, has investigated this area over a 20 year period. He has directed several side-scan sonar surveys as part of an ongoing archeological investigation seeking evidence of ancient man in the Bahamas.

His 1998 investigation revealed the presence of structural anomalies on the ocean floor. These side-scan sonar results were verified in subsequent surveys in 1999 and 2006. The existence of these anomalies, that include a series of several dozen rectangles, have been visually confirmed by other researchers within the last two years.

"The side-scan images reveal possible, megalithic structures whose depth would place them toward the end of the Pleistocene Era, approximately 10,000 B.C., when this area was above the surface. These structures are covered in ocean sand, coral, and marine vegetation and are of uniform size and oriented to each other, indicating human origin," said Donato. "We hope to excavate selected targets within the site to verify the existence of these ruins."

Donato stated that APEX plans to continue further investigations, with the National Museum of the Bahamas - the Antiquities, Monuments and Museums Corporation (AMMC).

Anmerkungen und Quellen

Dieser Beitrag stellt die Übersetzung der A.P.E.X.-Pressemitteilung vom 14. Februar 2010 ins Deutsche durch Atlantisforschung.de dar, die auf den Webseiten der Organisation unter dem Titel Discovery Of Possible Underwater Ruins In The Bahamas veröffentlicht wurde.